Winners of the Revue Photo Contest, July 2014. Artists in Action, Guatemala
Winners by Editorial Decision: “Artists in Action”

2nd Place: “Maestro de un mundo” by Alexander Valenzuela
Prize: Q300 certificate to El Sereno, La Antigua

3rd Place: Arte Ancestral” by Carlos Amilcar Ruano Muñoz
Prize: Carved Jade Pencil Holder from Jades Xibalbá.
Winners by Popular Vote in Facebook: “Artists in Action”

3rd Place: “Gangstermania” by Miguel Ángel Santizo Riavas
Prize: Carved Jade Paper Weight from Jades Xibalbá
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the photographers who entered — all July contest photos can be seen at:
See you at next month’s Revue Photo Contest… theme to be disclosed at a later date.