Portraits of Guatemala — Winners of the Revue Photo Contest June 2018
Here are the winners of the Revue Photo Contest “Portraits of Guatemala”

1st PLACE “Dedicación” Academia de Ballet DanzArte, by Ana Gabriela Santisteban Medrano. Prize: Q200 and a Q500 Ganorsa Pet Care Package.

2nd PLACE “El rostro del trabajo duro / The face of hard work” Ciudad Vieja, by Beto Rivas. Prize: Q100 and a Q500 Ganorsa Pet Care Package.

3rd PLACE “El Amor Nunca Deja De Ser / Love never stops” Santa María De Jesús, Sacatepéquez, by Estuardo Tunche. Q50

1st PLACE “Ija Re Ixim ‘Semilla del Maiz’” La Esperanza, Quetzaltenango, by Rocio Teo Lam. Prize: Q200 and a Q500 Ganorsa Pet Care Package.

2nd PLACE “Batanequito” San Sebastian Huehuetenango, by Ronald Waldo López. Prize: Q100 and a Q500 Ganorsa Pet Care Package.

3rd PLACE “Alegre coincidencia / Happy coincidence” Aldea Chivarreto, Totonicapán, by Carlos Guillermo Rodriguez. Prize: Q50
THANK YOU to all the participating photographers — an incredible collection of stories through images.
You can see all of the excellent submissions on the Revue Facebook page
The winners and a number of other photographs will be published in the June, 2018 issue of Revue.
To receive your prizes, please write to consultas@revuemag.com
Here is the list of prizes:
* Winners outside the Antigua area, will receive their Ganorsa Pet Care Package via GuatEx
Wow! What wonderful choices by all. You really had some fabulous portraits to choose from.
Great photos! Congratulations to all the winners.