Certificates of Origin for Salvadoran Coffee
To improve their competitive standing, the foundation PROCAFE, with the support of the Salvadoran Coffee Council (CSC), is developing Certificates of Origin for the country’s various coffee-producing regions.
The Apaneca-Llamatepeque mountain range has been selected as the pilot area, known for its quality coffee, and due to its unique history, climate, tradition and geography, the region has been named by the UNESCO as a Biosphere World Heritage Site.
As the Certificates of Origin program develops, additional coffee-producing mountains and ranges of El Salvador will be included in future projects.
This project is being executed with the coordination of PROMECAFE and the financial support of BID (Banco Interamericano de Desarollo), the Cooperación Técnica de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional and AECID (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarollo). The project is within the framework of the Regional Coffee Quality Program, whose goal is to strengthen the competitiveness of the coffee industry in Central America, Panama and the Dominican Republic.
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